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Heat Flame Sensor

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Supply Voltage

5V 10%

Current Consumption

10mA (typical)

Output Signal

Analog, 0-5V


1-10 mV/C

Response Time

1-2 seconds

Operating Temperature Range

-20C to 120C

Storage Temperature Range

-40C to 150C


10mm x 10mm x 5mm (L x W x H)


  • Fire Detection Systems: The Heat Flame Sensor is used in fire detection systems to detect heat and flames, triggering alarms and responses to prevent fires from spreading.
  • Smoke Detectors: The sensor is integrated into smoke detectors to provide an additional layer of fire detection and prevention.
  • Industrial Safety: The Heat Flame Sensor is used in industrial safety applications, such as monitoring heat and flames in chemical plants, oil refineries, and other hazardous environments.
  • Home Automation: The sensor can be used in home automation systems to detect heat and flames, triggering alerts and responses to prevent fires and ensure occupant safety.


The Heat Flame Sensor is a reliable and accurate component designed to detect heat and flames in various environments. Its high sensitivity, fast response time, and low power consumption make it an ideal choice for fire detection systems, smoke detectors, and industrial safety applications.

Pin Configuration

  • Heat Flame Sensor Documentation
  • Pinout Explanation
  • The Heat Flame Sensor module has 3 pins, which are used to connect the sensor to a microcontroller or other electronic devices. Here's a detailed explanation of each pin:
  • 1. VCC Pin
  • Function: Power Supply
  • Description: This pin is used to supply power to the Heat Flame Sensor module.
  • Voltage: Typically 5V, but can be operated from 3.3V to 5.5V
  • Connection: Connect to the positive voltage supply of your microcontroller or power source
  • 2. OUT Pin
  • Function: Digital Output
  • Description: This pin provides a digital signal output indicating the presence or absence of heat or flame.
  • Logic Levels:
  • + High (1): Heat or flame detected
  • + Low (0): No heat or flame detected
  • Connection: Connect to a digital input pin of your microcontroller
  • 3. GND Pin
  • Function: Ground
  • Description: This pin is used to provide a reference ground connection to the Heat Flame Sensor module.
  • Connection: Connect to the ground of your microcontroller or power source
  • Connection Structure
  • To connect the Heat Flame Sensor module to a microcontroller or other electronic devices:
  • Connect the VCC pin to the positive voltage supply (e.g., 5V) of your microcontroller or power source.
  • Connect the OUT pin to a digital input pin of your microcontroller (e.g., GPIO pin).
  • Connect the GND pin to the ground of your microcontroller or power source.
  • Example Connection Diagram
  • Here's an example connection diagram for the Heat Flame Sensor module with an Arduino Uno microcontroller:
  • ```
  • Heat Flame Sensor | Arduino Uno
  • VCC (Pin 1) | 5V (Pin 1)
  • OUT (Pin 2) | Digital Pin 2
  • GND (Pin 3) | GND (Pin 3)
  • ```
  • Remember to consult the datasheet of your specific microcontroller or power source for proper pin connections and voltage levels.

Code Examples

Heat Flame Sensor Documentation
The Heat Flame Sensor is an IoT component designed to detect heat, flames, or sparks in various applications. It is commonly used in fire alarm systems, industrial monitoring, and robotics. This sensor provides a digital output indicating the presence or absence of heat or flames.
Operating Voltage: 5V
 Operating Current: 10mA
 Detection Range: 0.5m to 5m
 Detection Angle: 60
 Response Time: 2 seconds
 Digital Output: High (logic 1) when heat/flame detected, Low (logic 0) when no heat/flame detected
Code Examples
### Example 1: Arduino-based Fire Alarm System
In this example, we'll use the Heat Flame Sensor to create a basic fire alarm system with a buzzer and an LED indicator.
Hardware Requirements
Arduino Uno or compatible board
 Heat Flame Sensor
 Resistor (1k)
Software Code
const int heatFlamePin = 2;  // Digital input pin for Heat Flame Sensor
const int buzzerPin = 9;  // Digital output pin for Buzzer
const int ledPin = 13;   // Digital output pin for LED
void setup() {
  pinMode(heatFlamePin, INPUT);
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  int heatFlameState = digitalRead(heatFlamePin);
  if (heatFlameState == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
### Example 2: Raspberry Pi-based Industrial Monitoring System
In this example, we'll use the Heat Flame Sensor to monitor for heat or flames in an industrial setting and send alerts via email using a Raspberry Pi.
Hardware Requirements
Raspberry Pi 3 or later
 Heat Flame Sensor
 Breadboard and jumper wires
Software Code
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
heat_flame_pin = 17  # GPIO pin for Heat Flame Sensor
def send_alert(subject, message):
  # Email configuration
  sender_email = ""
  recipient_email = ""
  smtp_server = ""
  smtp_port = 587
msg = MIMEText(message)
  msg['Subject'] = subject
  msg['From'] = sender_email
  msg['To'] = recipient_email
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port)
  server.login(sender_email, "your_password")
  server.sendmail(sender_email, recipient_email, msg.as_string())
while True:
  heat_flame_state = GPIO.input(heat_flame_pin)
  if heat_flame_state:
    subject = "Heat/Flame Detected"
    message = "Heat or flame detected in the industrial area. Please investigate."
    send_alert(subject, message)
Note: Ensure to replace the email configuration with your actual email settings.
These examples demonstrate how to use the Heat Flame Sensor in various contexts, including Arduino-based projects and Raspberry Pi-based industrial monitoring systems. By incorporating this sensor into your projects, you can create reliable and efficient systems for detecting heat and flames.